Lead Architect: Seyyed Hassan Alavizadeh, Simin Farhangi
Design Team: Majid Pourmirali, Mohammad Reza Abiri, Samine Javadi, Zahraa Akbari, Amir Hossein Roustaei, Niloofar Shamsi
Construction: Babak Pordel
Photographer: Farshid Ghaffari
Client: Tejarat Bank
Project Location: Ardabil, Iran
Status: Built
Year: 2015
Area: 170 m2
The amphitheater of Ardabil Tejarat bank designed and constructed in the 170 m2 area. We try to design a functional and regular cubic space in the heart of an official building.
In according to the client’s demand and to give identity to space and designing ideas, introduce the identifiers of this organization on walls and the abstract from the bank’s logo considered.
To create the focal point with the regular gray texture in contrast with side walls that covered by discontinuous geometrical lines and cyan holes on main wall. the luminous broken motions in the middle of the ceiling and waved forms in the longitude wall of the space also strengthen the focus of the audiences on the main point and axis of space.