Lead Architect: Seyyed Hassan Alavizadeh, Simin Farhangi
Design Team: Majid Pourmirali, Samine Javadi, Zahra Akbari
Client: Mr. Rahmani
Project Location: Doha, Qatar
Status: Designed
Year: 2019
Area: 50 m2

The idea of this design is based on fabricating a portal industrial space that will be assembled at construction site. This box is shining with vitrine and Large Middle Gate in the heart of main elevation.
The café is created by a single module of a 40 feet shipping container that has bearing walls and addition parts as non-structural elements by concrete, wood, glass and metal.
We design the elevations by adding false folding surfaces in south and north foreheads in order to make it wider and present a better composition of container instead of its industrial shape to attract the passengers to it.

Also, we have another false cubic shell in main elevation to create a huge gate and install the logo on it. We defined two entrances in north and south elevations for customer access.
It is located on a wooden deck which has made a level to set the chairs and tables. The space underneath the container would allow plumbing and electricity to be installed.
There is a good connection between interior and landscape that has surrounded it. We use some abstract and monumental elements as furniture to make a suitable connection with users and passengers. Using simple and reticular structures for lighting and other installations will make an easy way to assemble and fabricate this building as a café.

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